Why Do Some E-Markets Grow More Than Others?

Many people have left traditional markets to e-markets. Of course, they did so because they have known the advantages of e-markets, and e-markets met their preferred lifestyle. Even traders now prefer e-markets as they know its success rather than others.

The shock is happened when they meet failure. Why that happened? I thought I can do it like XYZ did!

The truth is: Some businesses get success in e-market and some other not. Why? This is the question we are going to answer this article?

Although the requirements of any e-market seem simple, there are many considerations that greatly influence the decision to establish it from the ground up.

In this article we are going to discuss in some detail the factors affecting the growth of e-markets. But first we will highlight the concept of e-markets in general and the most important names in them.

Why Do Some E-Markets Grow More Than Others | Article image

What is E-Markets?

E-market is a two-pronged commercial term, the first segment is a market, which means the area or platform that combines the two sides of purchasing process (the seller and the buyer). The second part is electronic and refers to the mechanism of dealing when deals are completed, where they are made electronically depending on the technological development nowadays.

These markets are a more sophisticated alternative to traditional markets, where they deal with a new segment of society, different in their characteristics, size and culture.

According to shopify, Asia is the world leader in e-markets with an increase in purchasing transactions of $ 831.7 billions. Then comes North America at $552.6 billion, Europe at $346.5 billion. Then, Australia with $18.6 billion, Africa and the Middle East by $ 18.6 billion, and South America by a mere $17.7 billion.

The study, which Shopify published, studied the commercial markets which were more specifically studied in the top ten countries in the world:

1. China: a profit of $636.1 million in 2019 and is expected to grow to $1,086.1 million in 2023.

2. United States: a profit of $504.6 million in 2018 and is expected to reach $735.4 million in 2023.

3. France: a profit of $49.4 million dollars in 2018, and is expected to reach $71.9 million dollars in 2023

4. Australia: a profit of $18.6 million in 2018 and an expected increase in the next five years to $26.9 million in 2023.

5. Russia: a profit of $17.2 million dollars in 2018 and an expected increase in the next five years to reach $24.8 million dollars in 2023.

6. Canada: a profit of US $39.9 million in 2018 and an expected increase in the next five years to US $55.4 million in 2023.

7. Germany: a profit of $70.3 million dollars in 2018 and an expected increase in the next five years to reach $95.3 million dollars in 2023.

8. United Kingdom: a profit of $18.6 million dollars in 2018, and an expected increase in the next five years to reach $26.9 million dollars in 2023.

9. Japan: a profit of $86.8 million dollars in 2018 and an expected increase in the next five years to reach $113.6 million dollars in 2023.

10. South Africa: a profit of US $63.7 million in 2018 and an expected increase in the next five years to US $80.2 million in 2023.

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