When You Should Worry: 6 Signs To Stop Using Your Credit Card In Online Payment

Despite the technological development, and information security and protection e-fraud always finds a way. E-commerce is tempting land for scammers. Millions of people are buying tons of products every day and billions of dollars are spent. It is a temptation they can’t miss. So, they plant thousands of traps.

Traps like fake websites, unreal auctions, unsecured  online payment gateway portals, and more are waiting outside. They develop their methods exactly as technology develops. Normal users are the victims of these traps, especially in the lack of security awareness. 

So, the first step is awareness enrichment. Yes, it is not the only procedure but it is a good start. Awareness reduces the rate of hackers and scammers attacks. This is the main goal of this article: Awareness. Let’s start. 

What is E-Fraud?

Generally, fraud is deliberate deception to secure unfair or unlawful gain, or to deprive a victim of a legal right (Wikipedia). E-Fraud or Internet Fraud is a type of fraud which makes use of the Internet (Wikipedia).

Basically, e-fraud occurs for the purpose of money theft. Scammers do e-fraud to steal the money of online payment users. But also it could be happened to violate personal data to use illegally or in illicit use.

According to Global Fraud Report for 2018 there are almost 63% of companies that had been attacked by hackers, and heavy losses inflicted. 72% of them are feeling threatened all the time and applying more security procedures.

Previous numbers told us that both of users and websites are exposed to e-fraud. To be honest, this article doesn’t face these threats comprehensively. But it gives you the basics of security concepts to protect yourself. Consider it as awareness article that helps you to keep yourself safe as much as you can. So, avoid the following:

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