A Look Behind The Scenes Of E-Payments

A large number of e-purchasing takes place daily. Some of them may be carried out very easily, and some may go through many complicated steps. In both cases, the deal takes place within a few seconds – long or short – according to the e-gateway used by the e-merchant. These few seconds, which can cause someone to get bored and leave the purchase process, are many complicated things without which your deals will never go safe. Actually, it is complicated than can you imagine.

In this article, we are going to have a look behind the scenes of e-payments. We will know what e-payment is, and how it is completed. What are the steps followed to get a successful deal from the two parts? We will also offer you one of the best Arabic payment gateways you should use.

What Is E-payment?

E-payment is one of the modern methods of payment. It comes as a result of technology development and its entry into the world of financial transactions. The idea comes from offering flexible means of payment for users by financial institutions and banks. These means reserve the rights of both the trader and the customer, and helps to complete remote transactions safely.

E-payment methods vary from credit cards, wire transfers, and e-payment apps. Companies and banks providing these services guarantee the payment of the merchant’s debt and the validity of the transaction itself. Companies do the same to the e-shopper. They guarantee their right to receive the service or product they have purchased, and maintain the security and privacy of their data. So, e- payment process is one of the best modern ways to complete financial transactions, it is easier, safer, and faster.

How Are E-payments Completed?

As we know, e-payments take just few seconds to be done. The surprise is that there are a lot of complicated things going on behind these few seconds.

Now, we will uncover this process a little bit.  Follow the next lines, and I promise they will not have any complicated technical details.

In an extensive article published by John Sonek (Head of Procurement at A Capture Company) in the Trade and Payments Guide 2018-2019, as well as paypers online platform, we talked about the track of money being paid through e-payment platforms. He speaks about the route that money takes in this virtual journey through e-payment gateway to reach both ends of the deal are as follows:

Click here to read the full article:-  Link


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